
P1 : 14 Summary - Learning cycle 1

Learning cycle 01
Communication Design
Information Design of Hitchcock 
specialist collaboration 


Subject : ‘the life and times’ of someone you admire or a group of people you admire. 

This group work was life and time about Alfred Hitchcock. The final work will be a package and a group of posters. It contains such a information about Alfred Hitchcock's films, life, phobias, cameos, collaborators etc. I made two information designs 'All the Cameos of Hitchcock' and 'Favourite Collaborators of Hitchcock' as my parts of this task.

During this work, I researched lots of information about Alfred Hitchcock and watched some his films. By the time, I was really interested in appearing himself in his film as a cameo. Secondly, He worked with many famous people, actors, actresses, composers and designer. One of his collaborators was Saul Bass, who was one of the greatest designers, worked title and sequence for so many Hitchcock’s films. That is why I decided to design about cameos and collaborators.

I’d got massive impression from his skill of using voyeurism through his films such as Psycho, Rear Window and Vertigo. (It made me to bought some his DVD collection.) Because of this I applied a keyhole in the middle of Cameos information design and put Hitchcock’s eye behind the keyhole as he looks at  his cameo scenes himself as a voyeur. Actually, I had made the keyhole bigger than finished one with his whole face but my tutor advised me to change it smaller and thinner with showing only his eye, I did and it is much better, it has more reality.

It's made by A1 size and I applied circle lines (it can be work like a spiral effect) around the diagram respectively so that it makes attention and a bit dizzy to viewer. The reason why I used this effect, we can recognise that Hitchcock was very good at using this kind of effect through his film Vertigo. That effect designed by Sail Bass so I used circle and spiral shape for my those works. I believe that it looks so cool and dizzy.


P1 : 13 Finished work Cameo and Collaborators of Hitchcock

I've just finished my 2 information design 'Cameos of Hitchcock' and Collaborators of Hitchcock'.

Cameos of Hitchcock

Collaborators of Hitchcock

It's made by A1 size and I applied circle lines (it can be work like a spiral effect) around the diagram respectively so that it makes attention and a bit dizzy to viewer. The reason why I used this effect, we can recognise that Hitchcock was very good at using this kind of effect through his film Vertigo. So I used circle and spiral shape for my those works.


P1 : 12 Review

(15 Oct 2012)
I reviewed my 2 information designs with Tutor (Peter Smith) and other fellow students.

As their opinion... the keyhole was too big it didn't look like keyhole in Cameos information. Actually, I'd tried to put Hitchcock's image as a voyeur rather than just an eye. However, there are more than my opinion it'll be better to make smaller than now.

In collaborators information, there was not any comment to develop something.

We made some decisions to develop our works.

1. Using only two fonts which are AD Lib and Helvetica family font.
2. Making as a package for our all collaboration works together,
    it will be basically A4 size and can be folded from A3, A2 and A1 sizes.
    then its cover will be made by using red and green colour method
    (like a Stephan Sagmeister's book design of dog image)
In my view, binding as a folding method is very useful to exhibit as a group of posters and a package. Especially, when there are variety size of works.

P1 : 11 Process of Collaborators' information design

(14 Oct 2012)
I've designed this information for 11people of Hitchcock's favourite Collaborators. I applied spiral shape and black and yellow colour with some images of Hitchcock when he worked with his collaborators as a background image.

P1 : 10 Process of Cameo's information

(14 Oct 2012)
I've changed the direction of the scene's description as a radial shape which make this diagram looks like more focus on the middle of the keyhole. Also Hitchcock's face is put into the keyhole so that he looks through the keyhole as a voyeur.


P1 : 09 Information design 2 [Collaborators]

I am going to make one more information design about Hitchcock's collaborators.
I will use circle line and a Hitchcock font as a design policy for my collaboration work. 10 people of collaborators will be designed around a main image of Hitchcock.

I found an information design about Poe with some people had influenced and had been influenced. It's very simple and easy to understand what relationship between Poe and others. and also used circle structure.


P1 : 08 My rough work.

I've started my information design project, Hitchcock's cameo.
A keyhole is used as a metaphor in the centre because it has some meaning such as a way of finding answer, keeping a secret and a way of being voyeur. These things are very important and quite close with Hitchcock's film style like a suspense, thriller and mystery genre. There is a circle as a time line with 38 titles of his film from his first appearance of cameo 'The Lodger' to the last 'Family Plot'. Each title has a scene and a time of his cameo with a description of the scene.

P1 : 07 An idea of design policy

I thought about a design policy for my collaboration work.
Although it could be an old-fashion, it might be useful for gathering our work. My idea is that I would put some collage images of Hitchcock in the black area or individual image into the holes of the film. Also I would like to make as long as we can. It is not going to be an old fashion.


P1 : 06 Idea sketches

Idea sketches about Hitchcock's information design.

I concern about keyhole as a metaphor.

Collaborators information design idea by Circle shape and
Key hole concept

Cameos information design idea by timeline 
Cameos information design idea by accordion folding method


P1 : 05 Searched some information

I searched some information from book and Gallery.

P1 : 04 Chose Hitchcock

(24 Sep 2012)
We chose Alfred Hitchcock to make some information design about him.
I am going to research and think ideas for his favorite collaborators and cameos (He appeared himself in his films)