
P3 : 25 Summary _ Learning cycle 3

PG02 : Learning cycle 03
MA Communication Design


Negotiated Individual Project & Learning Log Summary 
Tutor : Peter Smith
Subject : Time and Space
25 JAN 2013
Joong Gul Ro

This individual project was a series of public campaign about child abuse based on subject the Time and Space. The project illustrates child abuse affects their life and dream, moreover it hurts their spirit forever. The final works are 3pieces of a series such as Murderer, Prostitute and Drug addict.

This interaction poster campaign contains motion capture technology. It makes audience get shocked and memorised.

My first issue of the project was street children in the world. However, during the research I decided focus on child abuse in the UK because there are much more cases than I expected even such a developed country in the world. Also, it is clear that almost child problems occur from their home or school, which is one of the fundamental reasons why so many children are on the street. Therefore, I will create a public campaign about child abuse in the UK. However, it can be issued all around the world.

There is significant evidence that violence, exploitation and abuse can affect the child’s physical and mental health in the short and longer term, impairing their ability to learn and socialize, and impacting their transition to adulthood with adverse consequences later in life.

Design Process
In my opinion, public campaigns merit greater public attention, but they generally fail to produce their intended impact due to continued reliance on traditional media like posters, billboards, and newspaper advertisements. These campaigns generally do not stir people’s emotions as much as they could. My intention is to use interaction to draw people’s attention more. Thus, this project has designed as a public campaign to raise funds for eradicating child abuse using interaction technology.

When I researched lots of child abuse campaigns and interaction technologies, I found a software, called Processing. So I learned this software from Daero Ra (a fellow student, MFA interactive digital media) to apply motion capture and reaction on my project. Although this skill is simple, learning new technique in short time is really challenging.

Once I showed my mock up to my tutor and fellow students, I could listen their opinions that image was not good for the project. When they watch second picture they laughed because the child looked more like just pretending. However, the interaction was good working so need more shocking and powerful images. It was good time to know that people’s reaction for revising and analyzing.

Finally, I designed 3 pieces of a series interactive public campaign about child abuse. It illustrates, abused child could be a criminal easily, by shows, three children’s dreams could be a murderer, a prostitute and a drug addict with strong copy message ‘Child abuse hurts their spirit forever’. It is based on true story.

It was very hard time for me, spent so long time to finding direction of the project and design ideas. Also I had to learn ‘Processing’ to use motion capture and reaction within very short time. The most difficult thing was finding good and suitable images like a prostitute, murderer and drug addict. However, it is no doubt challenging is good for developing ideas and improving own skills. 


P3 : 24 Final Work _ A Drug addict


It illustrates how child abuse affects their life and dream based on true story.
Simon doesn’t meet any friends and wants to kill himself.

Child abuse hurts their spirit forever.
There are many hidden abused children like Simon. 
We should care about those children and help to them.

P3 : 22 Final Work _ A Murderer


It illustrates how child abuse affects their life and dream based on true story.
Jack wants to kill his father to escape from him.

Child abuse hurts their spirit forever.
There are many hidden abused children like Jack.
We should care about those children and help to them.

P3 : 21 Draft and Analyse

I showed this draft to my fellow students and gathered their opinion.

Carlos (MA Visual effect) said some thing needed for understanding easier because it was unclear relevance between those images and Yoon (MA Environment design) told me that the prostitute's image looked more like fashion photo.

It needs something to make stronger connection between before and after images. 
More shocking prostitue image needed like sad, dirty and cheap so as, looks failed fer life.
I think the prostitution scene is unnecessary because it's disturbing attention to main image and copy.

P3 : 20 Design Mock-up


This is a mock up for testing processing. It shows above image with ‘My dream is...’ on the screen but when someone or something move in front of the screen the image changes to the other one which shows smoking little prostitue with her terrible abused story.

As my tutor and fellow student’s opinion that this image was not good for the project. When they watch second picture they laughed because the child looked more like just pretending. However, the interaction was good working so need more shocking and powerful images.

P3 : 19 Processing Code

I've learn motion capture and make a reaction using processing form Daero Ra who is in MAF interactive digital media course in Ravensbourne. Many thanks Daero.
Even though this technique is very simple, learning something new skill in extremely short time is quite tough. But challenging is good for developing skills and ideas.

Processing which provides variety interaction technologies for designer.
This processing code is for capturing movement through a camera which is installed on screen and then it will order to show another image.
The technology based on the amount of RGB in each pixels. The camera take a picture 6 frame per second, which I set up, then processing compares between frames. When it realise something differnt
from previous frame, it will command to change to the second image.

P3 : 18 Idea sketches


If people pass the poster with indiffernt an abused child, who is on the screen, going to collapse. But if someone donate a coin into the donation box, the child will stand and say thank you with smile.

Nomaly, this poster shows the word ‘UNCONCERN’ with abused child. If someone stop and look this poster the UNCONCERN will change to CONCERN and the child will be smile.

This idea shows that abused child could become a criminal such as a killer, a prostitute and drug addict.

Left above

Professional Killer, 7year old
A child, who has injured on face, grabed a knife with agressive face.

Right above

Professional Prostitute, 10year old
A child has full make up but looks very cheap and undressed.

Left Below

Professional Drug dealer, 9year old
An abused child has some drug and injection.

P3 : 17 Jay's true story about child abuse

Jay's Story - Child Abuse and Domestic Violence

Jay grew up as one of many children witnessing abuse, thinking this was normal. Her story also shows the link between child abuse and domestic violence, as well as her determination to protect her younger sibling from witnessing abuse or being the victim of child abuse himself. This is Jay's story:
I grew up witnessing domestic abuse. My mum would get beaten by my father. When she wasn't there he wood turn to me and my brothers. I used to sit in my room and hear them fighting then I'd hear my mum scream and I'd know he'd have hit her. To be honest, at the age I was at, I actually thought it was normal. I thought that many families where like this but now when I think about it I was in denial because I never mentioned it to my friends or teachers.
Some research indicates an overlap between domestic violence between adults and the sexual and physical abuse of children, with some studies putting the comorbidity rates as high as 40 per cent. (Saltzman, K.M., Holden, G.W. and Holahan, C.J. (2005) ‘The psychobiology of children exposed to marital violence’)
I can't remember the first time he hit me but I can remember the times he did. He used to get angry and kick me hard or grab me by the hair. Afterwards he'd say sorry and tell me he wouldn't have to if I just did what I was told, so I used to think that every kid got told off this way. My older brother would get it worse than me and my mum faced the most hell but even though I was always the last person he'd turn to, witnessing and hearing the pain my brothers and mum were experiencing hurt just as much as a kick in the stomach.
Finally when I was 8 years old my mum got rid of my dad, but it didn't stop him from causing trouble. He used to come round and corner my mum in the kitchen yelling abuse at her. By this time my little brother was born and I would run upstairs with him trying to tell him it'd be okay while my oldest brother would try and pull my dad off my mum. I remember one time when I was 12 my dad found out my mum had a boyfriend. He came round and called her a slut saying she was a cheating whore but they had been separated for years, yet my dad seemed to have it in his head that they would get back together. He grabbed her by the throat and yelled abuse. I really thought he was gonna kill her in fact if it wasn't for my oldest brother I think he would have.
There were also times when he'd cry in front of me, saying he wished he could come home and we could be a family again. He would say he hadn't done anything wrong which confused me because by that time I realised that he had done something so wrong and sinister. I'd tell my mum what he had said and how he'd cry, she said it was emotional black mail.
Importantly, it is now recognised that violent men may continue to abuse women and children after they are separated. If there is ongoing contact with the child this can lead to the further abuse or even death of women and children. (Saunders, H. (2004)Twenty-nine child homicides: lessons still to be learnt on domestic violence and child protection, Bristol: Women’s Aid Federation)
Nowadays things are better. My mum divorced my dad and he is going to classes to help him. There are times though when I go see him and he gets angry. He still scares me, and even if any man looks like he is gonna get angry I get scared. The last time my dad hurt me was last year when he said he'd pick us up from school I was a bit late so he left me. I didn't think I was that late so I called mum. She called dad and he came and got me but he was really angry - he chucked my mobile at me and it gave me a huge bruise on my hand which hurt when I wrote.
I'm now 13 years old and decided to find more about domestic abuse because it has not been long since I started to realise the horror I faced when I was young. Has it affected me? In ways yes. Last year I began self harming to get rid of the emotional pain I was going through. I felt I had no one to talk to. With help from my friends I am getting better but its a long road. It has helped me in one way though. Seeing what my mum went through has shown me to always be strong and I will never let a man hit me and if one does and he is my husband/boyfriend I won't give him a second chance, I'll leave. I know many women find it hard like my mum but if it happens to me I hope I can be strong enough so stop it.
~ Jay.

P3 : 16 Tiffany's child abuse story

Tiffany's Child Abuse and Domestic Violence Story

Tiffany tells her story of child abuse and domestic violence, from a sexually abusive father and the mother who failed to protect her and her sisters, through teens of suffering further molestation and shows how not just her experiences of relationships but also the advice by those who should care for her pushed her into a further domestic violence relationship:
Ever since I can remember I had never had the love or attention of my parents. My mom was more worried about looking pretty and making sure my dad wasn't cheating on her than her 3 daughters ...
My oldest sister was 15, the other one that followed was 14 and I was 7, I also had a 2 year old little brother at the time. My "Father" had been abusing my two sisters all their life. He started raping them when they each turned 13. My sisters showed and told my mother what was going on ... they would show her their bloody privates but she never cared - or I guess her marriage to a sick man was more important than the well being of her daughters.
I was very young, all I remember was one incident of him on top of me and my mom saying he should stop because he was going to suffocate me, I was crying. I have no other memories of my childhood. none at all. He died that year 1987. He did scar us forever. My sisters have not been able to have a normal relationship ever since and neither had I until I found Jesus.
After my Dad died we moved to my mother's hometown in Mexico with my grandmother and uncle, aunts and lots of cousins. Soon after we arrived, one of my male cousins who was 13 at the time started abusing me: he would touch my breasts and my private part. It went on for years, until I was 13. At around 10 years old my other cousin who was about 19 at the time started tongue kissing me and grabbing me and rubbing himself on me.
We finally moved to the States after that, to Chicago. And my mom's Puerto rican boyfriend started to touch me too. Again no one did anything about it. I felt like no one cared.
I was told that I could use my body as a weapon to get what I wanted. my grandmother told me I should be a stripper or a high class prostitute. is there such thing? My mother said I should just look for rich old guys and take their money for sex. It was no surprise I ended up going off with a 43 year old rich man when I was only 17 after my own mother's advise. It only lasted 4 months and I came back home with a child in me. My most beautiful treasure. My wonderfully smart boy! God meant for him to be born, and I love him very much.
My son was two years old when I met who I thought was my prince charming! He was handsome, polite, smart and sooo nice to me. We moved in together after 6 months of dating. Right after that he started abusing me. He used to call me names from slut, prostitute, stupid, ugly, he said I was good for nothing and the only reason he was with me was so I could clean the house and he could have sex with me. He said he was too lazy to masturbate so he might as well use me. After a while, I actually believed him: I believed that I was ugly, stupid, dumb, that I couldn't do anything right. I didn't have his permission to speak to my mom, or any family member, I had no friends. I tried committing suicide twice, but the thought of my son being alone made me think twice and Thanks to My wonderful God I never made it happened.
Two years after we got together, we had a beautiful baby girl, and I thought that would change him - it didn't. He would choke me, push me, slap me, rape me. It lasted 8 horrible years.
I can say now that he was wrong! That I AM a good woman, I AM smart and I CAN do it all! I have given my life to Jesus, prayed for a wonderful husband which God has granted me. I have met the most amazing man in the world! Who cherishes me, takes good care of me, loves me and lets me know day by day he does; he loves my children and I'm very happy to say we are expecting a baby boy and getting married very soon. ALL THANKS TO GOD!
Please don't let no one treat you that way, God meant for us to live happy in victory and in His presence. NO ONE deserves to live in fear, abused by no one. Make a stop to this as soon as you can, a man that has always beaten you or abused you verbally will NOT change. GET OUT! You deserve to be HAPPY.
~ Tiffany

Barnardo's interactive poster

An interactive public campaign was created by BBH London in 2012.
When a coin goes into the donation box, the girl’s face slowly changes to smile and displays the text ‘thank you.’
In my opinion, it is much more effective than just showing still images to the public. Even though very simple moving
image, that is good enough people to get emotion.


P3 : 15 Indiffernce

The worst sin towards our fellow creatures

is not to hate them, but to be indifferent to them;

that is the essence of inhumanity.

(From The Devil's Disciple by George Bernard Shaw)

P3 : 14 Mission

In my opinion, so far, public campaigns need people’s attention more but they mainly advertised in the public just like a poster and a paper advert in tube or newspapers. It is not enough way to show the campaign and give some emotion to people. It could be better to gathering people’s attention by using interaction. So this project will be designed as a public campaign to raise fund for street children by using interaction technology.
Make a public advertising campaign;

To remind the problems of street children so that change people’s mind from indifference.
Encourage people to donate to UNICEF for solving street children’s problem in the world.

P3 : 13 a Summary of Street Children

PG02 : Learning cycle 03
Communication Design
Theme : Time and Space
Negotiated Individual Project & Learning Log Summary 

A Summary of Street Children


Street children

There are an estimated 100 million children living in the streets in the world today.
Children living on the streets are especially vulnerable to victimization, exploitation, and the abuse of their civil and economic rights.
International indifference to the problem has led to continual neglect and abuse of these children.

Four Categories of Street Children
  • A ‘Child of the Streets': Children who have no home but the streets, and no family support. They move from place to place, living in shelters and abandoned buildings.
  • A ‘Child on the street': Children who visit their families regularly and might even return every night to sleep at home, but spends most days and some nights on the street because of poverty, overcrowding, sexual or physical abuse at home.
  • Part of a Street Family: These children live on sidewalks or city squares with the rest of their families. They may be displaced due to poverty, wars, or natural disasters. The families often live a nomadic life, carrying their possessions with them. Children in this case often work on the streets with other members of their families.
  • In Institutionalized Care: Children in this situation come from a situation of homelessness and are at risk of returning to a life on the street.

Street Children Statistics

The hidden and isolated nature of street children makes accurate statistics difficult to gather; however, UNICEF estimates there are approximately 100 million street children worldwide with that number constantly growing.
There are up to 40 million street children in Latin America , and at least 18 million in India. Many studies have determined that street children are most often boys aged 10 to 14, with increasingly younger children being affected (Amnesty International, 1999). Many girls live on the streets as well, although smaller numbers are reported due to their being more “useful” in the home, taking care of younger siblings and cooking. Girls also have a greater vulnerability to trafficking for commercial sexual exploitation or other forms of child labour.

Vulnerability and Homeless and Street Children

Children who are vulnerable to street life include those who have been abandoned by their families or sent into cities because of a family's intense poverty, often with hopes that a child will be able to earn money for the family and send it home. Children who run away from home or children's institutions frequently end up on the street since they rarely return home due to dysfunctional families, or physical, mental, and/or sexual abuse. In several areas of the world, disabled children are commonly abandoned, particularly in developing countries. In addition, refugee children of armed conflict areas, children separated from their families for long periods of time, and AIDS orphans, repeatedly find nowhere to go but the streets.

The Effects of Street and Homeless Life

Homelessness and street life have extremely detrimental effects on children. Their unstable lifestyles, lack of medical care, and inadequate living conditions increase young people's susceptibility to chronic illnesses such as respiratory or ear infections, gastrointestinal disorders, and sexually-transmitted diseases, including HIV/AIDS. Children fending for themselves must find ways to eat; some scavenge or find exploitative physical work. Many homeless children are enticed by adults and older youth into selling drugs, stealing, and prostitution.
Drug use by children on the streets is common as they look for means to numb the pain and deal with the hardships associated with street life. Studies have found that up to 90 percent of street children use psychoactive substances, including medicines, alcohol, cigarettes, heroin, cannabis, and readily available industrial products such as shoe glue.
The mental, social and emotional growth of children are affected by their nomadic lifestyles and the way in which they are chastised by authorities who constantly expel them from their temporary homes such as doorways, park benches, and railway platforms. Street children lack security, protection, and hope, and continue to face a deep-rooted negative stigma about homelessness. And, more than anything else, they lack love.

Increasingly, these children are the defenceless
  • Victims of brutal violence
  • Sexual exploitation
  • Abject neglect
  • Chemical addiction
  • Human rights violations.

Charity Programmes

They are usually financed by philanthropists and individual Samaritans who had invested their unwavering commitment and attend to this marginalised sector of our society. At any rate, they need to be supported all the way for their noble gesture and good programmes they envisioned towards the general welfare of these children. The main objective of their programmes is aimed to provide education, health care and counselling which can obviously give a meaningful difference into the lives of these children.
Counselling give the children the moral revival and renewal to think about on how they shall lead their lives for a better future.
Health care provides them the physical and mental conditioning necessary for their well being in order to be productive.
Through education they are rebuilding their lives again not only on how to be an asset to society but how they can manage to be the prime contributor to the country’s economic growth, development and prosperity as well. Sad to say, that the problem of street children is still far from over though.
Transforming the developing economies into a fully develop ones is one of the key to eradicate them. After all, poverty is still the main cause as to why the bulk of these children are still on the streets.


Street children are denied many of life’s basic needs. They depend entirely on their own ability to fend for themselves. To ignore them means admitting to have failed the responsibility to protect and provide a decent future for them.
Unfortunately, most governments in developing economies neither cannot afford to house them nor provide their basic needs due to lack of funds and budgetary constrains.
Even though, some developing economies where there are non governmental organizations (NGO) and charitable institutions who are attending to this kind of situation, it still have lack of fund to be eradicated.
Also, International indifference to the problem has led to continual neglect and abuse of these children.